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SCRAPY @ myspace.com The Label: Grover
Train's leaving (here) (Lyrics: Kaiser)

Do you love me, like I love you, my girl? „Forever and a day!”,
that's what you said, when you where leaving,
with the train to nowhere.
And now that I know, that love and weapons kill much the same way!
Killed by a gun? Or killed by a death kiss?
I'll never be the same!! I'll never be the same!!

Rudie!! You know, this girl's not worth crying for!
Skinhead!! You know, this girl's not worth dying for!
All the years you spent...together hand in hand...
And all the drinks you drank...now it's all over!
Rudie!! You know, this girl's not worth crying for!
Don't cry for her no more!!

I'll never come back...back to the „City of Gods”!
Forever and a day! What happened there,
has broken my heart, you know?!
A million fragments in one day!
Wherever you go there will be freedom, a wise man was telling you.
Wherever I go I will be trapped, you know...
In my memories!! In my memories!!

„You are haunting around in my heart, girl!
You are haunting around in my head! I still have to say that I love you!
Even if I wish that you would be dead!”
„Oh Lord! Just give me a sword and I'll give you my true word!
I just wanna lose this chain, I just wanna lose this pain!”
„Addicted fool, what do you think? I say, even if you may sink,
You're gonna love her more, you're gonna love her more and more!”

Rudie...Rudie... Rudie!!